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Dizziness, along with pain, is one of the most common reasons why we visit a doctor. Dizziness can be caused by various underlying issues. General disorders, such as circulatory problems, must be distinguished from specific diseases of the vestibular organs and the nervous system when understanding the root cause of your dizziness. 

Some causes of dizziness are: 

  • Positional vertigo (BPLV)
  • Anxiety disorders (phobic dizziness)
  • Migraine-associated dizziness
  • Vestibular neuropathy
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Rarer causes, such as neurovascular conflict/vestibular paroxysmia, systemic diseases (CANVAS) or orthostatic vertigo.


At the GMI, a multidisciplinary team of renowned neurologists guides each patient through their entire journey, from their diagnostic work-up to their treatment and post-treatment care. 

The GMI team will never offer a simple “one size fits all” approach to any patient. We believe each patient’s case is as individual as they are and strive to find the best solution for each of our patients, taking their specific case and diagnosis, their lifestyle, and choices into account. 

We believe each of our patients is more than their diagnosis. That’s why our dedicated paramedics team supports patients with neurological disorders by offering more than just expert medical care. We offer psychological help, integrative medical services (including yoga classes, and acupuncture), physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and rehabilitation services, and have a GMI Patient Advocacy Program

Adhering to our passion for innovation, and desire to progress the medical field, the GMI Department of Neurology both initiates and participates in several clinical trials in which the most modern and advanced treatment concepts are tested.

24-hour Emergency Helpline

(+357) 25 208 000

Emergencies are not yet accredited of the General Health Care System

(+357) 25 208 000

Emergencies are not yet accredited of the General Health Care System.


Dr. Aris Angouridis

About me:

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