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The German Medical Institute has built strong bonds in undergraduate medical education, including an exclusive affiliation with the School of Medicine of the European University of Cyprus. 

The GMI, serving its mission to provide high-level education and training for healthcare professionals at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, has built strong bonds with higher education institutions, including an exclusive affiliation with the School of Medicine of the European University of Cyprus.

The EUC Medical School is ranked very highly in national and international surveys of both student experience and academic achievements. It is fully accredited through the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) process and is modelled on EU Directives and other international healthcare education standards. 

Through this collaboration, which started in 2018, the GMI provides on-site training for medical students in the fields of Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Haematology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Intensive Care, Nephrology, Endocrinology, Primary Care, Dermatology, General Surgery, Urology, Orthopaedics, ENT, Medical Imaging, International Radiology, as well as high-level clinical research. 

The GMI has demonstrated a strong commitment to excellence in teaching tomorrow’s doctors and this is evident as it hosts over 10 members of the academic and the clinical faculty of the EUC School of Medicine.

EUC’s rigorous, competency-based curriculum trains preclinical students in the best practices in patient care using innovative teaching strategies, advanced simulation, and clinical skills training.

Students from years 4, 5 and 6 are taught daily at the GMI in small groups, as part of their clinical rotation training. There are approximately 30 students on-site daily undertaking special study components of their courses.

Why collaborate with the European University of Cyprus?

The level at which any Medical Institute can provide cutting-edge services is also defined by its research activity. In addition to monitoring scientific developments, it is crucial that the Institute facilitates and participates in world-leading research.

Moreover, the responsibility of both the wider medical community and of medical scientists are to also enable and foster opportunities for training the next generation of fellow clinicians and medical professionals.

Many years of experience need to be transferred to these young doctors, together with the philosophical approach of how to effectively deal with both disease and patients. The important task of shaping and educating the next generation of clinicians and medical professionals is therefore realized through our collaboration with leading Universities such as, the European University of Cyprus.

The German Medical Institute has a well-established collaboration with distinguished educational institutions in the field of Nursing, such as with the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT).

Affiliation with the Cyprus University of Technology


The GMI, serving its mission to provide high-level education and training for healthcare professionals at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, has built strong bonds with the Department of Nursing of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT).

The CUT Nursing Department is ranked very highly in national and international surveys of academic achievements, such us the Shanghai Ranking list. Specifically, it is ranked 101-150 in the 2022 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects. In addition, the programme is consistent with the EU guidance for Nursing, as well as the Cyprus policies which include the National Health Plan.

Through this collaboration, which started in 2018, the GMI provides on-site training for nursing students, as well as high-level clinical research opportunities. Moreover, the GMI can use the CUT scientific infrastructure to further medical research. As a result, this cooperation is based on the mutual capabilities of each institution, where one covers the potential gaps in research capabilities the other may have.

Students from year 4 are taught daily at the GMI in small groups, as part of their clinical rotation training. There are approximately 50 students on site yearly undertaking special study components of their courses.

Why collaborate with the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)

The CUT has an excellent team of researchers and possesses the scientific potential in terms of know-how, biomedical infrastructure, nursing care, and the ability to conduct epidemiological studies. 

The GMI, utilises the range, diversity and expertise offered by these research teams so that, at the technological level, we can continue expanding on our own research, which we began in Germany.

The cooperation agreement between the GMI and CUT was approved in Cyprus by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Legal Service, the Council of Ministers, and was unanimously approved in a vote by the House of Representatives.

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Dr. Aris Angouridis

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