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Evangelos Ionas

Evangelos Ionas

Dr. Evangelos Ionas was borned and raised in Athens. He graduated from the Medicine School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2005-2011). 

He started his residency in the 2nd Internal Medicine University Clinic of Hippocration General Hospital of Athens, where during his training he participated in clinical trials along with the clinical training program for Medicine and Dentistry undergraduate students. 

While waiting for the specialist training in Gastroenterology he obtained his Master of Science in Biostatistics. Upon completion of his training as Gastroenterologist in the General Hospital of Athens G. Gennimatas, he worked as a consultant for a short period of time in Athens Medical Group.

He moved to Cyprus in 2023 aiming to provide high quality medical services for his patients by performing endoscopic procedures including upper gastrointestinal endoscopies and colonoscopies, as well as diagnosing and treating a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions.

  • 2015- 2018: MSc «Biostatistics», National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medicine School & School of Mathematics 
  • 04/2013-05/2013: Clinical Observership in the Academic Cardiology Clinic of Fulda Klinikum, Fulda, Deutschland
  • 2005-2011: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medicine School- Degree of Medicine
  • 6/2010-7/2010: Clinical Observership in Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine Department, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • 6/2023- to date: Gastroenterologist, German Medical Institute
  • 3/2023-5/2023: Gastroenterologist, Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus
  • 11/2022-2/2023: Gastroenterologist, Athens Medical Group
  • 07/2018- 10/22: Gastroenterology Resident, Gastrenterology Clinic,GHA «G. Gennimatas» 
  • 07/2013-7/2016: Internal Medicine Resident, Hippokration General Hospital of Athens, University of Athens
  • 12/2023: Basic Life Support Seminar
  • 2/2023: 21st IBD Intensive Course for Trainees
  • 9/2022: Endoscopy School Hands-On Course EMR/Polypectomy-Hemostasis/Clipping
  • 2021-2022: School of Clinical Hepatology (Hellenic Association for the Study of the Liver) 
  • 2020-2021: Endoscopy School (Hellenic Gastroenterology Society)
  • 11/2012: Advanced Cardiac Life Support Seminar for Trainers
  • 07/2012: Advanced Cardiac Life Support Seminar for Rescuers
  • Association of TIM-3 with BCLC Stage, Serum PD-L1 Detection, and Response to Transarterial Chemoembolization in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jan 15;12(1):212. doi: 10.3390/cancers12010212. 
  • Rest B Study: Estimating the Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Real World Cohort of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B. AASLDAbstracts (POSTER 2170). Hepatology. October 2018.
  • Member of the Cyprus Society of Gastroenterology
  • Member of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation
  • Member of the United European Gastroenterology
  • Member of the Hellenic Society of Gastroenterology
  • Member of the Cyprus Medical Association
  • Member of the Athens Medical Association

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Dr. Aris Angouridis

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