Hydrocele is an abnormal swelling and collection of fluid around the testis. It can either be congenital, meaning you may have this from birth, or acquired later in life for various reasons.
To diagnose a hydrocele, your doctor will perform a physical exam, which will include checking for swelling and tenderness. Often this is enough to diagnose a hydrocele, however, if you have any other associated medical condition or if your medical team would like to exclude other medical or surgical conditions, further studies, including laboratory or imaging, may be recommended. Imaging studies help diagnose and evaluate a hydrocele, and assess whether any underlying conditions such as epididymitis, testicular torsion, or a testicular tumor, are present. If you’re experiencing scrotal pain or if your doctor is unable to delineate the testicular anatomy during the physical exam, they will recommend an ultrasonography study, which provides excellent detail of the testicular tissue.
In some cases, especially in baby boys, a hydrocele may disappear on its own. Also, in some cases acquired hydroceles subside when the primary underlying condition is treated. If a hydrocele does not disappear on its own, it may have to be surgically removed. If a hydrocele becomes complicated or symptomatic, surgery is highly recommended.
At the GMI, Department of Urology, a dedicated team of internationally acclaimed physicians guides each patient through their entire journey, from their diagnostic work-up to their treatment and post-treatment care.
The GMI team will never offer a simple “one size fits all” approach to any patient. We believe each patient’s case is as individual as they are and strive to find the best solution for each of our patients, taking their specific case and diagnosis, their lifestyle, and choices into account.
We believe each of our patients is more than their diagnosis. That’s why our dedicated paramedics team supports patients on their journey by offering more than just expert medical care. We offer psychological help, integrative services (including yoga classes, and acupuncture) and have a GMI Patient Advocacy Program.
Adhering to our passion for innovation, and desire to progress the medical field, the GMI Department of Urology, both initiates and participates in several clinical trials in which the most modern and advanced treatment concepts are tested.