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Konstantia Pavlaki​

Konstantia Pavlaki​Haematologist

Haematologist Konstantia Pavlaki Dr. Pavlaki was born in Crete and earned her medical degree from the University of Crete in 2008. She pursued postgraduate studies and completed her Ph.D. thesis in the Laboratory of Experimental Hematology, focusing on the investigation of neutropenias and myelodysplastic syndromes. As part of her doctoral research, she received specialized training […]

Varnavas Constantinou​
Head of Haematology & Transplantation

Varnavas Constantinou​Head of Haematology & Transplantation

Head of Haematology & Transplantation Varnavas Constantinou Dr. Varnavas Constantinou is a medical doctor, Specialist Haematologist, head of the currently forming Haematology Department – Bone Marrow – Stem Cell Transplantation Unit of the German Oncology Center, from March 2021. He studied Molecular and Cell Biology (BSc Molecular and Cell Biology) at the University of Maine, […]

Despina Mallouri​

Despina Mallouri​Haematologist

Haematologist Despina Mallouri Haematologist with special interest and experience in the field of stem cell transplantation and cellular therapies. Education / Academic Experience Professional Experience Certification & Courses Publications Professional Memberships CONSULTANT HAEMATOLOGIST Dec 2022 – current Haematology Department and Haematopoietic cell Transplant (BMT) unit, German Medical Institute, Limassol, Cyprus   CONSULTANT HAEMATOLOGIST April 2009 […]

Andreas Symeonidis​

Andreas Symeonidis​Cardioanesthesiologist

Cardioanesthesiologist Andreas Symeonidis Education / Academic Experience Professional Experience Scientific Activity Publications Medical Degree – Craiova Medical School, Romania 1989 – 6 year course Specialty: Anesthesiology 22-3-1996 Army General Hospital of Athens from 23-09-1991 to 05-08-1992 Evagelismos Regional General Hospital of Athens from 24-08-1992 to 27-10-1995 Specialization in ICU Intensive Care Unit – Evagelismos Regional […]

Iliana Tziamali​

Iliana Tziamali​Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologist Iliana Tziamali Born and raised in Greece, in Trikala, Thessaly, leaving to study Medicine at the Democritus University of Thrace in Alexandroupolis. At the University I entered after a Panhellenic examination. After completing my studies, I returned to my hometown in order to start my residency. During my career as a resident and as […]

Marios Christoforou​

Marios Christoforou​Gastroenterologist

Gastroenterologist Marios Christoforou Dr. Christoforou Marios was born and raised in Limassol. After serving his military service he started and completed his studies at the University of Patras in Greece (2006-2012). He returned for a short period of time to Cyprus, working as a Junior Doctor at the Paphos General Hospital and was soon invited […]

Evangelos Ionas​

Evangelos Ionas​Gastroenterologist

Gastroenterologist Evangelos Ionas Dr. Evangelos Ionas was borned and raised in Athens. He graduated from the Medicine School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2005-2011).  He started his residency in the 2nd Internal Medicine University Clinic of Hippocration General Hospital of Athens, where during his training he participated in clinical trials along with […]

Dimitrios Giannakakis​
Director of Gastroenterology

Dimitrios Giannakakis​Director of Gastroenterology

Director of Gastroenterology Dimitrios Giannakakis Internist/Gastroenterologist Dr. Dimitrios Giannakakis, Director of the Department of Gastroenterology, studied medicine as a graduate from the German School of Athens in Giessen, Germany. He then received his specialization in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at the academic clinic of Offenbach, where he met Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Zamboglou.  His main fields […]

Nikolaos Tserlikakis​

Nikolaos Tserlikakis​Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologist Nikolaos Tserlikakis Dr. Nikolaos Tserlikakis studied medicine in Charles University and specialised in anaesthesia in Greece. He worked as a consultant in Crete University hospital, providing the full range of anaesthesia for adult and children. This included the Peripheral Nerve block training and a wide range  of surgeries. He has held a post at German […]

Andriani Filippou
​Head of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine

Andriani Filippou​Head of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine

Head of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine Andriani Filippou Anesthesiologist with 24 years of experience in providing anesthesia, intraoperative monitoring of patients of all ages and in the management of post operative pain . As head of the department of anesthesiology and perioperative medicine  I supervise certified anesthesiologists and anesthesia nurses with main concepts the safety […]

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(+357) 25 208 000

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(+357) 25 208 000

Emergencies are not yet accredited of the General Health Care System.


Dr. Aris Angouridis

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