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Sofia Stamathioudaki​

Sofia Stamathioudaki​Dermatologist

Dermatologist Sofia Stamathioudaki Dr. Sofia Stamathioudaki is a Consultant Dermatologist/ Venereologist, specialising in acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, alopecia-hair loss, vitiligo, infections of the skin and paediatric dermatology. I treat my patients with the same compassion and commitment that I would do my family and friends. Every treatment plan is individualized. When my patients look in […]

Theodoulos Drousiotis​
Head of Dermatology

Theodoulos Drousiotis​Head of Dermatology

Head of Dermatology Theodoulos Drousiotis The skin is the largest organ of the body. It can therefore be affected by a large number of conditions, from minor blemishes to different types of skin cancer. Any new skin finding can consequently be daunting and stressful for a patient.  It is therefore always my pleasure to consult […]

Constantinos Zamboglou​
Medical Director

Constantinos Zamboglou​Medical Director

Medical Director Constantinos Zamboglou   Konstantinos Zamboglou, PhD, MHBA studied medicine in Freiburg, Germany until 2013. In this period, he completed his doctoral thesis at the laboratory of Prof. Aktories with the grade summa cum laude. He was resident in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Freiburg in Germany. In 2019 he obtained […]

Georgios Nakas​

Georgios Nakas​Cardiologist

Cardiologist Georgios Nakas Consult your Cardiologist and keep your heart pumping.  Experience in preventive cardiology, coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, transthoracic and  transesophageal echocardiography and stress echocardiography.  Diagnosis and treatment methods used in our department: Electrocardiography (ECG), Effort (Treadmill / bicycle) Test, Echocardiography, Transesophageal Echocardiography, ECG Holter, Blood Pressure Holter. Education Training – […]

Andreas Mamilos​
Director of Pathology, Consultant Pathologist

Andreas Mamilos​Director of Pathology, Consultant Pathologist

Director of Pathology, Consultant Pathologist Andreas Mamilos Dr. med. Andreas Mamilos studied medicine at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, where he also began his specialty training in Pathology (under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Kirkpatrick). He continued his specialty training at the University of Regensburg in Bavaria (under the supervision of Prof. Dr. […]

Georgios Nakos​
Consultant Pathologist

Georgios Nakos​Consultant Pathologist

Consultant Pathologist Georgios Nakos Education / Academic Experience Professional Experience Teaching Experience Publications Distinctions November 2003 till November 2004 Military School of Medical Application, Athens, Greece.  Theoretical and Practical training in patients air lift. 23/7/2003 Graduation from Medical Faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 1997 till 2003 Attendance at Medical Faculty of Aristotle University […]

Michalis Ayiomamitis Consultant Cardiac Surgeon & Director of the Cardiac Surgery Unit

Michalis Ayiomamitis Consultant Cardiac Surgeon & Director of the Cardiac Surgery Unit

Consultant Cardiac Surgeon and Director of the Cardiac Surgery Unit Michalis Ayiomamitis Dr Michalis Ayiomamitis, MBBS, MD, CTh, is a specialist Cardiac Surgeon, Director of the Cardiac Surgery at GMI. After spending over 2 decades in Italy and England, studying, training and working in Cardiac Surgery, he decided to join our team and return to […]

Guido Frassetto​
Consultant Cardiac Surgeon

Guido Frassetto​Consultant Cardiac Surgeon

Consultant Cardiac Surgeon Guido Frassetto Dr Guido Frassetto is a specialist Cardiac Surgeon who joined GMI cardiac team in April 2022. He worked in recognised international cardiac centres amongst Italy, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom. Born in Italy, graduated as Doctor in Medicine at University of Studies of Sassari, he then started his residency in […]

Nikolaos Spernovasilis​
Director of Infectious Diseases

Nikolaos Spernovasilis​Director of Infectious Diseases

Director of Infectious Diseases Nikolaos Spernovasilis Dr. Nikolaos Spernovasilis comes from Mani and Crete. His interest in Health Sciences began in his teenage years, and he settled on his desire to work in Infectious Diseases during his medical studies and later residency, when he worked alongside excellent Infectious Diseases specialists. His main scientific interests are […]

Christoforos Christofi​

Christoforos Christofi​Neurologist

Neurologist Christoforos Christofi In addition to “classical” neurology, his main scientific interest is pathogenesis, diagnostic, acute therapy, and prognosis of strokes. The last 10 years he has been dealing almost exclusively with these conditions in certified stroke units in Germany. The existence of such units in Cyprus is something promising and completely new. Here in […]

24-hour Emergency Helpline

(+357) 25 208 000

Emergencies are not yet accredited of the General Health Care System

(+357) 25 208 000

Emergencies are not yet accredited of the General Health Care System.


Dr. Aris Angouridis

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